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nThe Lord's Prayer
nOur Father who art in heaven
nHallowed be thy name
nThy kingdom come, thy will be done
nOn earth as it is in heaven
nGive us this day our daily bread
nAnd forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
nAnd lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Matthew 6: 14 ? 15
n'For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.'
nThis is our God, the servant king
nhe calls us now to follow him
nto bring our lives as a daily offering
nof worship to the servant King Graham Kendrick
nStand up stand up for Jesus
nye soldiers of the cross!
nLift high his royal banner,
nit must not suffer loss.
nFrom victory unto victory
nhis army he shall lead
ntill every foe is vanquished
nand Christ is Lord indeed. George Duffield
nEckhart Otto, Theologische Ethik des Alten Testaments (1994)
n Cyril S. Rodd, Glimpses of a Strange Land: Studies in OT Ethics (2001).
nR. Norman Whybray, The Good Life in the OT (2002)
nChristopher Wright, OT Ethics for the People of God (2004)
nStanley Hauerwas and Samuel Wells, The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics, (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004).
nPsalms on the law 1, 19,119
n78:5-8; 104:44-45
nFirst Commandment
nPs 81: 9-10 //Exodus 20: 3-5
nSecond Commandment
nPs 24: 3-4; 115: 2- 8
nThird Commandment Exodus 20: 7
nPs 24: 4; Ps 8
n4th commandment ? Sabbath
nPs 92 heading; Ps 81: 3
n5th commandment ? parents
nPs 89:26; 103:13; 127: 3-5
n6th commandment ? murder
nPs 7: 2; 17: 12; 22: 13, 16; 35: 17
n7th commandment ? adultery
nPs 50: 16- 19; Ps 51
n 8th and 10th commandments
nTheft and coveting
nPs 50: 18; 10; 3, 9; 12:5; 14: 4
n9th commandment
nFalse witness
nPs 4:2; 5:6, 9-10; 10: 7; 12: 2 etc.
nPsalm 1
nRighteous enjoy God's Favour
n Ps 5:12; 7: 9; 14: 5; 34: 15; 37: 17, 29; 112: 6; 34: 15, 17; 37: 39
nPsalm 92:12-15; 112: 1-10
nThe Wicked
nPs 1: 6: 3: 7; 9: 5, 16, 17; 34: 21; 68: 2; 101: 8; 146: 9; 147: 6;
nPsalm 73:1-28
nPs 11: 7; 116:5; 113: 7-9
nPs 72; 101
nPsalms 111 and 112
nPsalms 13, 88
nChristian Use
?Most quoted in NT e.g. 69
?Jesus prayed them e.g. 22
?Saints pray them in heaven 94: 3; 79: 10; 119:84 see Revelation 6: 9 ? 10
?Early Church prayed them - Athanasius
'If you are persecuted by your own family and opposed by many, say Psalm 3?.When you see the wicked wanting to ensnare you and you wish your prayer to reach God's ears, then wake up early and sing psalm 5?.When again, you need to pray against your enemies and those who straiten you, Psalms 17, 86, 88 and 140 will all meet your need?.Pay no attention either to the weakness of your humanity or to the brazenness of their attack, but cry unceasingly to God using Psalm 28.
Letter to Marcellinus
nNot all church goers happy
nTeach the happy to sympathise with suffering
nThy kingdom come - Maranatha
nErich Zenger A God of Vengeance?WJKP,1996
?Better to pray than take revenge
?Show faith in God's justice
?Uncover the mechanisms of violence
Search me O God and know my heart Ps 139: 23-24